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midnight call × W E S
// Mer 26 Oct - 13:24

Dernière édition par Nola le Sam 24 Aoû - 17:34, édité 1 fois

Pseudo : jin
Âge : 19
Messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2016
Disponibilités : berf
Localisation : région parisienne
Fact(s) : spend my time watching you, you just tell me to lay back and i'm feeling fucked up
// Mer 26 Oct - 15:58
NOTE TO MYSELF; this Wesley is +post first break+ and + pre murdered Tim+. he's at the edge of his serial killing along with Stark and their relationship is as twisted as my melted twix in my bag can we just. Neah is totally his and Wesley absolutely did traumatize him after sequestrating him and letting him taste a bit of death after hitting, burning [INSERT HERE MONSTRUOUS AND PAINFUL TORTURES]. Wesley killed Ewen a few months ago like 3 months smh like that and he still can't get over his love and other feelings for him so his murders suddenly become more violent, less controlated, more like out of frustration for losing and having to kill his beloved one.
Not like Ewen was his soulmate but still, he really cared for him, almost more that he used to for Neah. They shared everything (daily life, school, friends, lustful thoughts, murderous intents, most secret part of their being, etc. you see what i mean alrigh'), they were always together. Wesley killed him bc he was an asshole, tryin' to play the smart ass by controlling his feelings but lolololol Wesley wasn't caring when Ewen went to see him and tell him he was gonna quit. He got scared by his growning feelings toward the most sexy killer in world's history aka. Wes and Wesley absolutely HATE it when he's not controlling everything so he stabbed Ewen in the back and please to him this is the same scene as for Jack&Rose when they realized they were gonna die and that's a fuckin' tragedy moving me to tears because incredible wow this isn't very Wesley and he himself didn't realize it sooner so it hit him like a bitch and here we are back to Neah and his fuckin' smile and ass and all. Wesley became a lil' sensitive but not too much otherwise this isn't fun and Neah became more confident, more secured liKE HE'S IN THE TRANSITION BETWEEN WEAKASS NEAH AND BADASS STARK

Pseudo : jin
Âge : 19
Messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2016
Disponibilités : berf
Localisation : région parisienne
Fact(s) : spend my time watching you, you just tell me to lay back and i'm feeling fucked up
// Mer 26 Oct - 16:11
HIS STEPDAD. Okay so here we got stepdaddy who killed Wesley's mom (the most precious person in his life) and raped him like fUCK. He was a serial killer who made Wesley commits his first murder along with him and showing him stuff like idk disgusting things as dead body decomposing and as a kid tho' he felt disgusted by it, Wesley became interested (because this is freaking interesting that's it). He taught Wesley how to survive in society as to fit in the crowd, not to leave a trace of him by wearing leather gloves, etc. He was finally killed by Stark who found a diary belonging to young!Wesley, describing his worst living nightmare everyday, and he made him feel everything Wesley felt except for rape part, instead he burnt him alive or smh as terrible as this bc i red that this is the most painful thing in the world after giving birth and that's what's truly terrifying

CHARLOTTE&PETER. He used to know them bc they were living in the neighburhood and Charlie was once his stepdaddy's lover bc she's truly beautiful and she's one of a kind like woaw incredible botty very sexy many strip and Peter was one of his closest friends. years had set them apart and they became just relative but still there's the fact that they're childhood friends. They both go to le 3e and le 4e so they often cross by and talk about each other and stuff in a pub that they both like.

HIS MOM meant his everything. she did all she had to do to make her proud of him. He really loved her as she did her best in everything, showing him that trying wasn't enough, but making it was the right thing to do. This is a normal love between mother and son, maybe a bit more loving as there was no father to take care of lonely Wesley when she wasn't here, until John step into their house. From here, Wesley began to take more distance with his mother, because she was truly in love with him and he was just a fucking piece of shit waiting for her to go to work and then do the most horrible thing to him. When she died and Wesley learnt the truth, he mentally broke. this is from the moment he saw her dead body that Wesley deeply changed, leaving his childhood along with his mom.

NEAH, oh dear Neah, you're the only one that has a true meaning in Wesley free killings. Neah is the representation of his mom, his dad, his brother, his friend and his lover. It doesn't mean he's Wesley's everything. He's not his world, but he changed his life. This is the first time ever that Wesley has felt so human and so monstruously powerful at the same time. He loves this feeling. Holding all of this power in one hand and controlling with the other hand, is something truly delecting, and that is what Neah brought in Wesley's life when Wes' caught Neah slaughtering the entire body of a poor girl who happened to be here. When he saw it, Wesley couldn't but get turned on by this excitation running through' his blood like nothing else before. Neah was stupid. Neah was weak. And he made it so he couldn't do anything without him. He made himself Neah's whole world. And he got it wrong.

EWEN was Neah's replacement for the time when Wesley turned his back to Neah. Ewen is an ordinary student who already knew Wesley from school, and tho' he was really liked by his friends, he had always felt as if there was something wrong in his life, and there he met Wesley true self in a cold, cold night when in an unstoppabe bloodthirst -except that, in a momentum of lucidity, he recognized Ewen and threatened him (tho' he already had him die in his mind). Ewen succeded to convince Wesley to keep him alive and would be a safekeeper as Wesley was unstable. He finally killed him when Ewen tried to run away from him, afraid by his growning feelings toward the killer. He didn't want to be dependant of someone and Wesley couldn't stand this kind of thoughts from his lover, so he stabbed him to death to keep it his property.

Pseudo : jin
Âge : 19
Messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2016
Disponibilités : berf
Localisation : région parisienne
Fact(s) : spend my time watching you, you just tell me to lay back and i'm feeling fucked up
// Mer 7 Déc - 22:49

Pseudo : jin
Âge : 19
Messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2016
Disponibilités : berf
Localisation : région parisienne
Fact(s) : spend my time watching you, you just tell me to lay back and i'm feeling fucked up
// Mer 7 Déc - 22:49

Pseudo : jin
Âge : 19
Messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2016
Disponibilités : berf
Localisation : région parisienne
Fact(s) : spend my time watching you, you just tell me to lay back and i'm feeling fucked up
// Mer 7 Déc - 22:56
ce qu'il aimait le plus, c'était la sensation de se sentir plus vivant que jamais. les mains qui tremblent, les yeux brillants, les battements de son coeur qui s'affole, la nausée qui lui monte à la tête et l'adrénaline qui se mêle au stress. C'était la première fois qu'il y goûtait, et il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas en rester là. Il en voulait plus. Encore et toujours. Trop n'était jamais assez, et une faim insatiable vit le jour au fond de lui. Incapable de la calmer, incapable de la repousser, il ne se rendit compte que trop tard qu'il ne faisait désormais qu'un avec elle.
Wesley savait qu'il ne pouvait pas à continuer et pourtant, il ne pouvait s'en défaire. Elle était comme rattachée à lui, comme si elle avait toujours existé en lui et qu'elle ne demandait qu'à être réveillé.
La nuit tombée, il égorgea le chien du voisin.

Pseudo : jin
Âge : 19
Messages : 265
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2016
Disponibilités : berf
Localisation : région parisienne
Fact(s) : spend my time watching you, you just tell me to lay back and i'm feeling fucked up

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midnight call × W E S
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